Black Onyx, another powerful protection stone, absorbs and transforms negative energy while it helps to prevent the drain of your personal energy.

Energetically, Black Onyx, is a wonderful tool to aid you in healing old wounds from your past lives. Black Onyx aids you in your time of stress, grief, and or confusion, as well as to assist you in wise decision making and to encourage happiness and good fortune. Black Onyx also is a highly effective tool in Magical Work such as scrying, psychometry, intuition, meditation, telekinesis and dreaming to name a few. It is recommended that if you utilize Black Onyx for meditation and dreaming, please use another stone in conjunction with the Black Onyx, to ground yourself.

Black Onyx, in the physical, aids the emotional body as well as, physical strength, stamina, and self-discipline. If you have those around you at work/ school/ etc., place or wear a Black Onyx near those with negativity, criticism, and or those that are manipulative and argumentative. Place a Black Onyx on your nightstand to ward off nightmares and fear falling asleep. On the other end of the spectrum, Black Onyx also boosts your confidence, assertion, passion, and yet allows cooler heads to prevail in volatile situations.

White Onyx enhances your spiritual vision and dream experiences, to facilitate connection with the lunar energies.

Wear and or carry Onyx on your person for protection and to keep senses and instincts sharp.