Black Spinel repels negativity, and is a grounding and protective stone.

Spinel hails from the Latin word, “spina”, which means spine, and is indicative of the stone itself. The descriptive word, spine, imparts the very look of the stone with its needle like, sharp, formations that make up the Spinel formations. Spinel comes in the colors red, green, blue, brown, violet, orange, and black.

Energetically, Black Spinel assists you to rid yourself of negative energy, such as anger and resentment, and replaces them with more effective ways to communicate. Black Spinel, without over powering others, gives you a sense of empowerment and inspiration. Rejuvenated and revitalized, Black Spinel will help you face life’s challenges with new strength and vitality. Spinel, as a whole, with its diversity in the array of colors it represents, is perfect to open your Chakra’s and may awaken and stimulate Kundalini energies to travel up your spine. This stone will align your emotional, etheric, and physical bodies; stimulating higher communication and mysticism.

Black Spinel, in the physical, may be utilized for detoxifying body, mind, and soul. Black Spinel can heal the body as a whole, but is often specifically for the bladder, female reproductive system, and intestines; but can also assist with problems with the lymphatic system and leg disorders.