Herkimer Properties:
The Herkimer Diamond is named after the place where is it primarily found, Herkimer County, New York. The small, crystals that are the Herkimer Diamonds are short and formed in a hard rock formation which is what gives them their strength. Herkimer Diamonds can be clear and colorless or contain black carbon deposits, inclusions that look like rainbows and air bubbles. Some, albeit a very small amount can be found to contain inclusions of water and some Herkimer Diamonds are smoky color rather than clear.
Moldavite Properties:
While a beautiful gem, Moldavite, found only in Czechoslovakia is a rare gemstone and is named after the area in which it is found near the Moldau River. While scientists do have differing theories in Moldavites origin, nearly all of them do agree the formation of Moldavite coincides with the crash of a large meteorite nearly 15 million years ago. The debris field created by the impact of the meteorite is located in two areas, Moravia and Bohemia. Moldavite, unlike other natural glasses that have occurred from other planetary or meteoric collisions that are a brownish or tar black, has a deep forest green color to it and is the only gemstone formed this way that is suitable for cutting and faceting as a gem.