Reflects the energy of the mind and knowledge, stimulating one’s self-confidence and ability to learn and think through complex concepts and ideas. It inspires creativity, increases attention span and helps one achieve perfection in various projects and aspirations. Placed on the Throat or Third-Eye Chakras, Blue Topaz helps one to more consciously and clearly articulate the thoughts and feelings one needs to communicate, and to make clear distinctions about what one does and does not want in one’s life. Blue Topaz is a stone of peacefulness, calming to the emotions, and ideal for meditation and connecting with spiritual beings. It is a natural magnifier of psychic abilities, assisting those who wish to attune to inner guidance, as well as those who serve others through readings or spiritual healing. While it may be difficult to acquire naturally occurring Blue Topaz stones or crystals, natural specimens are best suited for metaphysical work. These stones are resonant with the perfected pattern of the human body and energy system and are ideal for gemstone healing layouts he colours are blue, from pale to deep blue.

Blue topaz revitalises and regenerates the physical body. It will delay the ageing process, disperses negative energy that is trying to weaken your resistance to illness. Blue topaz increases the metabolism, and energises the thyroid. This stone enhances the healing of the throat, eyes, ears, and nasal passage diseases. Blue topaz reduces the side effects of menopause. Blue topaz carries the energy of peacefulness. As such, it is useful for relieving stress related disorders, including high blood pressure. Add this stone to your bag of remedies by holding it or wearing it when you have a headache. This stone is also a useful tool for helping you find or understand the true source of an illness and discovering the best source of treatment. This is a good stone for speakers, authors, artists, musicians, bankers and inventors.

Blue topaz will help you control feelings anger, by bringing hidden emotions to the surface in a calm way so that they can be dealt with in a positive way. It improves speech and communication skills, especially in young people. It assists you in achieving emotional balance. Blue topaz helps you to be honest but with gentleness and then to end relationships or friendships going nowhere wiht the minimum of hurt to both parties. Blue topaz calms the emotions, increasing awareness of your feelings. Its blue energy promotes peaceful vibrations when you are feeling angry or frustrated. This stone calms inflamed emotions, helping you express yourself with grace instead of rage. It is useful for journaling your feelings. Use this stone to prevent nightmares and psychic attack.

Blue topaz inspires leadership skills and facilitates clear communication and natural authority. It will assist you in speaking your truth with confidence and it can help you take control of any situation. Blue topaz brings inspiration to artists, authors, inventors, or anyone creating something, be it a garden or a meal. It is a stone of creative inspiration and is useful for overcoming writer’s block. Musicians also will find it helpful for tuning into their muse. This is a stone of mental clarity. This stone helps in feeling your anger and releasing it. It promotes understanding and feeling your emotions and emotional pain, supports learning your true and real feelings and honouring them. Blue topaz helps you to let go of anger and resentment, facilitates surrendering to forgiveness of yourself and others, promotes turning your pain over to the Goddess and the Light for healing. The heavenly blue of this topaz helps you tap into higher realms of awareness to channel Divine wisdom and knowledge. Use it to connect with your guides, angels, and loved ones in the Other Side. This stone promotes a two-way conversation so you not only talk to the angels but you also hear and listen to the messages of the Divine. ​Placed on the throat chakra or third eye helps open them and it helps to be able to vocalise your needs and desires.

This colour is good for meditation and attuning to your higher self. It will help you live with your own aspirations and views rather than someone else’s.